How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?

Here’s the place to go if you’re one of those gamers who like to play in secret and don’t want their buddies to know what they’re up to on Steam.

As is common knowledge, Steam automatically makes a player’s profile public, so everyone can view your playtime history, including the titles you’ve played and the amount of time you’ve spent playing.

However, some gamers find this Steam function annoying if they want to play games in private. Therefore, you may use the techniques listed below if you want to make your Steam gaming activity private and don’t want to share any game activity with your friends.

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How Can I Use Steam to Hide Game Activity?

On Steam, the hiding game activity is really simple. I’ve included the simplest methods for hiding gaming activity from friends on Steam here. You may play your game secretly without showing up online by using these techniques.

1. Hide Steam Game Activity Through Privacy Settings

Recent upgrades to Steam have been released not too long ago. With these upgrades, friends can no longer see what you’re doing while you play Steam games. The easiest approach to keep your gaming behavior hidden from friends and followers on Steam is to use the Privacy Settings.

It’s not just me; most Steam users agreed that this is the most effective method. Better yet, it won’t have an impact on any other Steam component and won’t obscure game activities for an indefinite time.

Let’s now conclude our discussion of its benefits and proceed with the procedure. To use Privacy Settings to hide your Steam activity from friends, follow the instructions below:

  • Open Steam on your computer.
  • Click on the name that appears in the Steam top bar now.
  • Using the context menu, choose the Profile option.
How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?
  • Select the Edit Profile button located on the window’s right side.
How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?
  • Next, choose the option labeled “My Privacy Settings.
How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?
  • The Privacy Settings screen will now appear.
  • Navigate to the “My Profile” area by scrolling down.
  • Select the Private option by opening the drop-down list that appears next to the Game Details.
How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?
  • Check to see if this process is operating at this point. To do this, right-click on any empty area on the Steam interface and select Copy Page URL.
  • Next, launch a web browser, copy the URL from the copied page, and use the address bar to see if your Steam gaming activity is hidden.

2. Use Free Watchable Episodes

Several Steam users have also found that you may use free viewable episodes to conceal your gaming activity from buddies on Steam. Though it might seem strange to you, several Steam users reported success with this technique.

How it works: In case you’re unaware, Steam can only identify and launch the game’s video after it has completely loaded. For this reason, Steam perceives the Watch button as the addition of a new option when you click it. But Steam will erase all of the earlier iterations of the Recent Activity if you exit the movie before allowing it to load fully.

Now, with that in mind, proceed to learn how to use this method:

  • Launch Steam and select the Store tab.
How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?
  • Go to the Steam store website and type your game’s name into the search box. Using the Making of Fury as an example helps clarify.
  • The list of episodes for Making of Fury is currently visible. Navigate to episode 1 and select “Watch.”
How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?
  • Close the episode and leave the website as soon as it loads.
  • Repeat steps two and three for episodes two and three.
  • Check your profile now to see whether the Recent Activity has been removed.

3. Make Your Profile Private

This is the last option if you need a different strategy than the first two strategies. You must set your profile to private in order to use this approach. It’s a very extreme move, all right.

Why am I calling it drastic? It is because by doing this, you will be isolated from all the gamers and your friends. But it will be worth doing it if you want to make your game activity invisible without being concerned about anything else. 

Note: You will lose access to your buddy list, game information, inventory, and commenting abilities if you make your profile private.

If you would want to use this method to conceal gaming activity on the Steam platform, then adhere to these guidelines:

  • Start Steam, click your name, then choose the Profile option from the list of menu options.
  • To edit your profile, select Edit Profile > My Privacy Settings.
  • Navigate to My Profile and select from the menu.
  • Click the Private option after that.
How To Steam And Game Activity Hide From Friends?
  • The modifications will now be automatically saved.

Check to see whether Steam hides game activity after doing this.


Now that you are aware of the steps involved, you may use Steam to hide your gaming activities from friends.

All of the ways on the list are functional, but I prefer the first one as it hides Steam activity from friends without compromising any other features. Ultimately, though, the decision is yours.