A slow Computer can be frustrating and annoying. If you’re using an old computer or want to get better performance from a new one, here are some tips and solutions for Increasing Computer Speed.
Increase Disk Space
Too little free disk space can slow down your computer. Here are some simple ways to increase free space:
- Remove unwanted or unused software: many computers often have unused programs.
- Unnecessary programs and programs that are not frequently used or unused software often have a lot of unnecessary files.
- Use an external storage system for large files and multimedia.
There are also some built-in tools to help you free up more space: on Windows computers, you can use Disk Cleanup to delete temporary and unnecessary files, as explained in the Expectations Guide for this computer. If you’re using a Mac with macOS Sierra or later, you can use the About This Mac dialog box to free up space, as described in this Apple support document.
Reconfigure Your Hard Drive
Reconfiguring your hard drive regularly can also help make your Computer Speed faster. Over time, the data on your hard drive becomes fragmented, making it harder for your computer to find it. Reconfiguring helps reorganize this data, making it easier for your computer to find it.
Adding More RAM
Another reason your computer is slow is because it doesn’t have enough RAM (random access memory). RAM allows your computer to open multiple programs at once, and if you don’t have enough RAM, your computer becomes very slow when you run a lot of programs. It can become sluggish.
Fortunately, you can add more RAM to your computer. To do this, you need to know what kind of RAM your computer uses, and you need to buy it, then physically open your computer and install it. If this process seems too complicated, consider taking it to a computer repair store and having someone else do it.
Updating Drivers
All the devices connected to your computer, such as keyboards, printers, and mice, need drivers to work. If these drivers are not up to date, the Computer Speed slowly or the devices may not work properly. If this happens, you need to update the drivers.
You have a Windows computer, the drivers will probably be updated automatically, but sometimes you may need to update them manually. This Lifewire guide explains how to update the drivers. If you’re using a Mac, all the drivers are updated automatically.
Managing the Boot Process
If your computer is taking a long time to boot up, there may be too many programs running during start-up. Fortunately, there are ways to manage the boot process and control which programs run and which don’t; check out Geek’s instruction guide (for Windows computers) or Nektony’s guide (for Mac computers) to find out how.
Before closing a particular application or program, do some research to make sure it’s not essential for your computer.
Scanning for Viruses and Spyware
When you use your computer, you may accidentally infect it with malware or viruses. This can damage your computer and slow it down. The best way to prevent and deal with this is to use anti-virus software. Most of these programs can scan and detect viruses and, in some cases, remove them.
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